semi-finals but suffered concussion in his last fight with Netherlands
and the doctor won't let him continue; bronze medal.
Luke Thompson, male individual power got all his breaks and we are
waiting for the first round to finish to see who will play off for
gold. Currently it is NZ, England and Romania.
Other sparring results:
Mark Hanna vs Canada; lost.
Ross Black vs Spain; won. Vs USA dominated but lost.
Courtney Meleisea vs Poland. Put up a good fight but lost.
Uma Goodyer vs Slavakia; draws twice then loses sudden death.
Lizzie Faafili vs Romania; lost.
Cori-Jean Topia vs Argentina. A furious and impressive fight from
Cori; wins. vs Poland, dominates but loses.
Kane Baigent vs Australia; won. vs Columbia; won. vs Argentina; loss.
One fight short of a bronze medal.
Johs Van Pierce vs Australia; win. vs Romania; win. vs Poland; loss.
Mark Trotter vs Canada (current world cup champ) . Team Haka opens.
Loss. Brutal draw as both were favourites for medals.
Christine Topia vs Canada; win. vs Germany; long fight to sudden death; loss.
Daniel Thompson vs Tobago, dominated the fight but lost. (He had at least two matches... details sketchy, will confirm later.)
Melissa Timperley vs Slovinia; loss.
Paige Moki vs Ireland. Completely dominated the fight; win. vs Slovinia; loss.
Alisa Parke vs Germany; loss.
Christie Leong vs Romania; win. vs Canada drew then lost.
Candice Millar vs Poland; loss.
(If I've missed anybody my apologies... it's been a full-on day and I don't have a copy of the draw to work from.)
How did Sam Couling do? Kerikeri ITF